The Tam-Tara Deepcroft

The Tam-Tara Deepcroft

Level 16


Central Shroud (X:19, Y:28)

Fire in the Gloom

Since its establishment during the Gelmorran times, this subterranean crypt has been used for generations as a final resting place for the remains of rulers and nobles. Since the Calamity, however, the tunnels have become overrun with the Lambs of Dalamud - a deadly cult who worships the now-fallen satellite as their savior. It is in the Deepcroft that these twisted souls silently plot revenge against those who fought to prevent the advent of Dalamud, summoning any dark presence who will aid them to this end... no matter what the cost.  


Void Soulcounter

There are 3 altars where you will fight cultists. Once they die, a Void Soulcounter will spawn. It's fairly straightforward, but he does occasional AoE attacks that players should move out of.

Galvanth the Dominator

Galvanth the Dominator casts Mind Blast, which is a very large circular AoE attack. All players should run out of the marker or they'll become paralyzed. He also spawns lots of adds that need to be burned quickly. In particular, the imps he spawns will tether to the boss and make him immune to all damage, so killings imps is top priority.
